50 years in South Central Elkhart

Being formed into community—telling our stories into our fuller humanity

Mission & Values

Drawn together by Jesus Christ we are a community of hope, broken and blessed. We are being healed, saved and made whole in sharing God’s love and grace with each other, within our neighborhoods and with our world.

As guests at Christ's Table, with joy we invite all to our fellowship. We give ourselves to the Reign of God in the world, seeking to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God” in our homes, our work, in south central Elkhart, and around the globe.

We walk, listen and learn together with Sunday sermons/teachings following the lectionary texts, Bible study and reading books together.

Significant books we have read in the last several years and commend:

My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trama and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resma Menakem

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teaching of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer

The Space Between Us: Conversations About Transforming Conflict by Betty Pries

The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love by Bell Hooks

Alan Hirsch: The Forgotten Ways

Most Currently:
Brian McLaren: Life After Doom, wisdom and courage for a world falling apart

What we value
-Worship-centered community life
-Life-cultivating, life-giving relationships
-Peace, nonviolence, justice
-Learning together—corporate experiences, play, study, etc.
-Diversity and inclusion
-Sustainability, stewardship of resources, Earth care
-Support and expression of gifts
-Connections with area churches

Fellowship of Hope Land Acknowledgement

We members of the Fellowship of Hope Mennonite Church acknowledge that our meetinghouse and our family dwellings are built upon land occupied by the Potawatomi and Miami native peoples. We also remember the predominantly Black community centered near this neighborhood that was torn down and replaced by public housing. As people in a predominantly white congregation who follow a brown-skinned Jesus who preached about God’s Beloved Community defined by love of neighbor, we pledge to promote the end of racism and white supremacy in its various forms through relationships in our neighborhood.

50 years-link to a brief view of our story

Childrens Formation and Safe Practices


Child protection and abuse response policy

How To Find Us:

the meeting house phone number is 574-294-1416

email: moc.liamg|hcruhchof#moc.liamg|hcruhchof

Google Maps

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